Publish Date: 20 September 2022 - 23:45

TEHRAN, Sep. 20 (MNA) – Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani said that the UN Security Council (UNSC) must oblige the Zionist regime to end the occupation.

Addressing the 77th meeting of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Tuesday evening, he restated that the UN Security Council should be responsible for forcing Israel to end the occupation and establish a [independent] Palestinian state.

He said that Qatar’s foreign policy is based on the balance between interests, principles and mediation in resolving conflicts in peaceful ways.

Regarding the landmark nuclear deal inked between Iran and six world’s major powers, Sheikh Tamim expressed hope for a fair agreement on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Turning to the energy crisis, Emir of Qatar added that the world is facing an unprecedented energy crisis and about one billion people are without a dependable and reliable key source of energy.

The climate change and environmental protection have forced countries to diversify the energy source in the shortest time possible, Sheikh Tamim added.

However, energy and food should not be used as weapons in wars, he continued.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Emir of Qatar pointed to the military operation of Russia in Ukraine and called for an immediate ceasefire to find a peaceful solution in this regard.

He then pointed to the war in Syria and noted that international community is unable to punish war criminals in Syria.

Referring to latest developments in Afghanistan, Sheikh Tamim said that Qatar wants all parties to maintain achievements of Doha Agreement.
