TEHRAN, Jun. 18 (MNA) – Explosions and heavy gunfire were reported inside the famous Karte Parwan Gurdwara of Afghanistan’s Kabul city on Saturday morning.

Multiple explosions have been heard along with gunfire at a Sikh temple in the Afghanistan capital Kabul, with many feared dead in what is being reported as a possible terror attack by ISIL, Mirror reported.

Four consecutive blasts have been reported coming from the Gurdwara Karte Parwan, a Sikh place of worship, in Kabul, and shooting is ongoing on Saturday morning.

Armed attackers are believed to have entered the building and a siege is taking place, reported tribuneindia.com.

There are reports that there could be up to 30 hostages being held on the second floor of the temple.

Eye witness accounts have claimed that there are many dead and people are being taken to hospital.

"There were around 30 people inside the temple. We don't know how many of them are alive or how many dead. The Taliban are not allowing us to go inside, we don't know what to do," an official, Gornam Singh, told Reuters.

The front door of the building is on fire and Taliban forces are preparing to attack the gunman inside who are thought to be from ISIL, an eyewitness told tribuneindia.com.

Manjinder Singh Sirsa, of India's BJP political party, reportedly spoke to the Gurdwara Karte Parwan President Gurnam Singh, who confirmed that the attack started at 6 a.m. local time when the first prayers of the day were underway.
