TEHRAN, Dec. 08 (MNA) – The commander of the army navy has said three new vessels will join the naval forces in the north and south waters of the country.

Iran's Army-Navy Commander-in-Chief Rear Admiral Shahram Irani said in a ceremony on Wednesday that the Navy plans all its activities in the national and international fields.

According to Admiral Irani, the Navy has up-to-date equipment in the North and South Fleets by building its vessels and equipment with the help of Iranian specialists and with the help of knowledge-based companies.

The commander of the navy pointed out that several vessels will join the fleets in both northern and southern fleets (in the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf) and added, "In the northern fleet, the Damavand class destroyer with the latest equipment and technology is ready to operate."

The army-navy commander added the Jamaran class destroyer, the intelligence warship Talayeh which has a helicopter hangar and also the Fateh-class submarine will join the southern naval fleet.
