TEHRAN, Dec. 25 (MNA) – Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Serbian Parliament and the Iranian Ambassador to the country discussed boosting bilateral relations in a meeting on Thursday.

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Serbian Parliament Žarko Obradović and the Iranian Ambassador to Serbia Rashid Hassanpour discussed boosting ties in a meeting on Thursday.

“Serbia and Iran have great potential for expanding cooperation, especially in the fields of energy, agriculture, transportation, and tourism. We must not allow international issues to affect bilateral relations,” Obradović said.

He further appreciated Iran for taking principled positions in support of the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries.

Iranian ambassador also maintained that the Islamic Republic is determined to develop relations with Serbia.

He added that Iran has always welcomed and supported positive and constructive dialogue in the international community.

Hassanpour underlined that the Islamic Republic is pursuing a maximum resistance strategy following US unilateral withdrawal from the JCPOA and imposing illegal sanctions on Iran.

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