TEHRAN, Nov. 17 (MNA) – In an article on Tuesday, Washington Post wrote Trump's Maximum Pressure Campaign against Iran has had very little positive results and is doomed to failure.

"With just two months left in his presidency, Trump has little to show for four years of anti-Iran hawkishness. Contrary to his administration’s pitch, the reimposition of sanctions did not bring Iran back to the negotiating table to hash out a tougher deal," the article said.

"The Trump administration declared that it restored deterrence with Iran after a US targeted strike [assasinated] Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani, an influential Iranian commander, at the beginning of the year. But that belied the series of escalatory actions carried out by Iran-affiliated forces that followed," the article says.

It also noted that "And while economic sanctions have inflicted deep pain on the Iranian economy and ordinary Iranians, they compelled Iran’s rulers to resume building up their stockpile of enriched uranium."

The article, in addition, asserted that "European investors slated to convene at a business conference next month funded by the European Union that will explore new opportunities to tap the Iranian market after President-elect Joe Biden takes office."

This is while, Iranian officials have underlined that a change of US president does not mean a change of macro policies of this country towards the Iranian nation.

Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif said last week that the fate of the landmark deal, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), depends on the behavior of the United States, adding that "Tehran is waiting to see the actions of the new US administration" with regard to the multinational pact.

In response to a question regarding the victory of Democratic candidate Joe Biden in the US election, Zarif said, "Individuals are certainly important, but what matters are the behaviors and actions, and the Islamic Republic is waiting to see these actions from the new US administration."

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also advised the next US administration to restore the tarnished image of the country as well as its international ties.

Rouhani stressed that the new US government must, more than anything else, reconsider the US' inhumane behavior with other nations in order to restore its tarnished image in the international community.
