TEHRAN, Sep. 14 (MNA) – Addressing traitorous rulers of UAE and Bahrain, the Head of Ideological-Political Organization of the Ministry of Defense warned all compromisers to wait for the anger and revenge of the Islamic Ummah and the Resistance Axis.

Reacting to the recent normalization of ties between Bahrain and the Zionist regime, Hojatoleslam Seyyed Ziaeddin Aghajanpour criticized the acts of the rulers of UAE and Bahrain in a message on Sunday.

“We strongly condemn the shameful act of the traitorous leaders of the UAE and Bahrain in establishing diplomatic relations with the Zionist regime”, he wrote in this message, stressing that these leaders betrayed the Islamic Ummah and the Palestinian cause through taking refuge to the enemy.

The rulers of the UAE and Bahrain sacrificed the dignity and independence of their nation for sake of their own interests, he maintained.

He went on to state that undoubtedly, this shameful act will remain forever in the historical memory of the oppressed nation of Palestine and all freedom-seekers of the world.

The Head of Ideological-Political Organization of the Ministry of Defense also asserted, “We warn all the compromisers and traitors to wait for the anger and revenge of the Islamic Ummah and the Resistance Axis groups.” 
