TEHRAN, Mar. 26 (MNA) – Iranian Ambassador to UK Hamid Baeedinejad called on British government to take advantage of its political and diplomatic power in lifting US sanctions imposed against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The UK government should announce that it will not comply with US sanctions and will use its diplomatic and political power for lifting US sanctions.

In his twitter account on Wed., he wrote that 12,824 British people have so far signed a petition to the US government to suspend sanctions imposed against Iran during confronting COVID-19. Under the law, UK government needs to announce its response to the requests with more than 10,000 signatures.

He emphasized, “we hope that the British government will announce that it will not comply with the US sanctions imposed against Iran and will use its political power for lifting these sanctions in line with supporting rightful demands of people in world and strengthening Iran’s financial and logistics potential to confront the COVID-19.”
