Publish Date: 7 October 2019 - 19:14

TEHRAN, Oct. 07 (MNA) – Iranian FM Mohamamd Javad Zarif said on Monday, “our region is faced with the risk of war more than ever and it is in dire need for peace and negotiation among regional countries.”

He made the remarks in a meeting with MPs from National Security Council of the Parliament.

Referring to his recent trip to New York, taking part in UNGA, Zarif said “despite US’ decision to restrict the Iranian delegation including the FM and the President and not issuing visas for the delegation’s media officials, the trip was well-covered by international media and now it stands among one of the most important trips of Iran’s delegation.”

Zarif, elsewhere, addressed President Rouhani’s discussed HOPE initiative (Hormuz Peace Endeavor), saying “while our region is faced with the risk of war more than ever and it is in dire need for peace and negotiation among regional countries, the Iranian delegation in New York, sought to make the world aware about Yemen crisis besides Iran’s policies to urge Europeans fulfill their JCPOA commitments and that there is no way for the US to come back to JCPOA in case they want negotiations with Iran.”

Late September, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran unveiled the details of his plan for security in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, called the “Hormuz Peace Initiative”, at his speech at the United Nations.

The initiative seeks cooperation among the regional countries for maintaining security in the strategic waterway.

“In this initiative, we seek collective cooperation inside the Persian Gulf region and we want all regional countries participate,” Rouhani said.

He added, “All littoral states to the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz are invited to take part in this initiative and the United Nations is also invited.”

The HOPE initiative comes against the backdrop of tensions in the Persian Gulf, where several tankers and commercial vessels have come under suspicious attacks by unknown parties while attempting to cross the strategic Strait of Hormuz.

The United States has blamed the sabotage attacks on Iran, using them as a pretext to build a coalition that would patrol the region.

MNA/ 4739942