TEHRAN, Sep. 18 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has condemned the new US sanctions announced after Saudi Arabia's press conference on the recent attack on Aramco.

"Escalating US economic WAR on Iranians, @realDonaldTrump ordered SoT "to substantially increase sanctions against the COUNTRY of Iran!" It’s admission that US is DELIBERATELY targeting ordinary citizens: #EconomicTerrorism, illegal & inhuman. ُStop war & terror. #Security4All," the top Iranian diplomat wrote in a tweet on Wednesday evening after the Saudi government in a press conference accused Tehran of involvement in the recent attack on oil facilities in east of the Kingdom.

Iran has slammed the US for leveling unfounded accusations against the country by saying it was involved in the attacks despite the fact that Yemeni forces have claimed responsibility as retaliation for the aggression by the Saudi-led, US-backed coalition.