Publish Date: 8 February 2019 - 10:50

TEHRAN, Feb. 08 (MNA) – Iranian First Vice President Es’hagh Jahangiri said that ties between Islamic Republic of Iran and Iraq are ‘strong and strengthened’ and will not be tarnished.

He made the remark late on Thu. in a meeting with Iraqi Electricity Minister Luay al-Khateeb and expressed hope that political trend in Iraq has reached to acceptable stability.

Iraq’s new government is formed with the will of people of this country, he said, adding, “relying upon the assistance of the Almighty God, ISIL terrorist group in Iraq is on the verge of complete collapse.”

Jahangiri pointed to the exchange of different delegations between Tehran and Baghdad and also serious determination of the two countries for the development of bilateral ties and said, “Iranian government and people will stand by the Iraqi government and nation during the reconstruction period.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, he referred to the upcoming visit of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to Iraq and said, “this trip will convey the clear message for those who seek to tarnish the relationship between Iran and Iraq that ties between Tehran and Baghdad is strengthened and it will not be harmed.”

Jahangiri also pointed to the widespread capabilities and potentials of Iran in various sectors such as power, water and gas industry and stated, saying “Tehran is ready to expand its relation with neighboring Iraq in all fields.”

For his part, Luay al-Khateeb congratulated the 40th glorious victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and said, “Islamic Republic of Iran has attained eye-catching and considerable progresses in every field since the Islamic Revolution.”

Iraqi government is interested in taking advantage of high capabilities and potentials of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to be turned into a producing country in the region, he concluded.
