ICT min. departs for Dubai for ‘Iran Corridor 2025’ event
TEHRAN, Feb. 03 (MNA) – Iran’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Sattar Hashemi has departed for Dubai at the head of a delegation to participate in “Iran Corridor 2025” event.
Int'l telecommunications, IT exhibition kicks off in Tehran
TEHRAN, Dec. 24 (MNA) – The 24th international exhibition of telecommunications, information technology and digital economy kicked off in the Iranian capital Tehran on Saturday.
Iran, Iraq ministers of communications hold talks
TEHRAN, Jul. 12 (MNA) – Iran’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology Issa Zarepour held talks with the Iraqi Minister of Communications, Hiyam Al-Yasri on Wednesday.
Number of cellular subscriptions in Iran increases to 148m
TEHRAN, Jun 03 (MNA) – According to the statistics released Communications Regulatory Authority of Iran, the number of mobile (cellular) subscriptions in the country has increased to more than 148m.
6 key communication projects inaugurated in Iran
TEHRAN, May 17 (MNA) – Some six communication projects have been inaugurated in Iran in the presence of President Ebrahim Raeisi on Wednesday.
FM spox:
US bids to violate Iran’s sovereignty not to go unanswered
TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) – Reacting to the US move on some sanctions imposed on Iran’s communications sector, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that US attempts to violate Iran’s sovereignty will not go unanswered.
Iran, Venezuela agree to expand ICT relations
TEHRAN, Jun. 13 (MNA) – The Iranian ICT minister and his Venezuelan counterpart agreed to form a joint working group to prepare an agreement in the near future on expanding relations in the field of Information and Communications Technology (ICT).
Cisco Identity Service Engine (Cisco ISE)
TEHRAN, May 21 (MNA) – Cisco Identity Service Engine (ISE) is a network access control and policy enforcement platform.
By: Pantea Nikzad
ICT inaugurates telecommunication projects
TEHRAN, May 18 (MNA) – On the occasion of World Telecommunications & Information Society Day (WTISD), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (ICT) inaugurated its projects in Tehran on Tuesday in presence of ICT Minister Issa Zarepour.