Psychological Warfare
The US will lose its psychological war: Iranian ambassador
TEHRAN, Sep. 14 (MNA) – Washington is trying to defame anyone who goes against its interests, Iran’s ambassador to Russia, Kazem Jalali, has said.
Exaggerating enemy's power basis of its psychological warfare
TEHRAN, Sep. 08 (MNA) – The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says one of the foundations of the psychological warfare waged by the enemies of any nation is to exaggerate the power of that nation’s enemies.
Gen. Naeini:
Enemy uses terrorism in anti-Iran psychological warfare
TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) – Spokesman and deputy head of the Public Relations Department of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, General Ali Mohammad Naeini stated that the enemy is using terrorism in its anti-Iran psychological warfare.
Gov. seeks to end shortcomings in aerospace field: Raeisi
TEHRAN, Aug. 10 (MNA) – President Ebrahim Raeisi described aerospace knowledge and technology as a driving force for the country's development in various fields and his government seeks to overcome backwardness in this field.
Cleric urges for awareness against false information by media
TEHRAN, Jun. 17 (MNA) – Tehran's Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Hojjatoleslam Haj Ali Akbari urged Muslims to differentiate between accurate and false information released by media.