TEHRAN, May 24 (MNA) – Speaking to the reporters on the sidelines of the cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Iran's nuclear chief reacted to the claims of building a nuclear site in Zagros

Rejecting the allegations, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Mohammad Eslami said that the Zionists raise such claims whenever their position in the region or their internal situation is worsened. 

"The Islamic Republic of Iran operates according to the standards of the agency (IAEA) and safeguards, and whenever it wants to carry out an activity, it establishes its settings with the agency and acts accordingly," he stressed.

Stating that the construction of the nuclear power plant of Khuzestan province had been halted for many years due to the foreigners' irresponsibility, Eslami announced that the first part of this project was started.

"We hope that in the first step of the construction of small power plants, we will be able to build the 300 MW Darkhoveyn power plant in order to create a new chapter in the country's industrial and technological capacity and also to expand this technology at the general level," he concluded.

The Associated Press on Monday claimed Iran was building a new underground site in the Zagros Mountains to replace an exposed uranium centrifuge manufacturing center at nearby Natanz that was struck by an explosion and fire in July 2020.
