TEHRAN, Jan. 19 (MNA) – Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hasan Nasrallah says that the current situation in Lebanon is result of US pressures.

Addressing a ceremony on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation in Beirut,  Nasrallah said, "I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to my esteemed brothers who have shouldered the responsibility of overseeing this center, as well as to all the brothers and sisters who have dedicated themselves to this center’s operation over the course of three decades."

"Hezbollah has been concerned with the livelihood of its people for the past 30 years, despite its significant involvement in resistance and the various challenges that existed at the time," he added.

The Consultative center has consistently served as the go-to resource for guidance and direction for our leadership, units, and diverse departments within Hezbollah, Nasrallah noted, Al Manar reported.

"We have made it clear to our brothers that it is their duty to accurately represent our organization to the outside world, regardless of any challenges or unfavorable circumstances that may arise, rather than presenting a skewed or idealized version that may be more palatable," he added. 

The Hezbollah chief went on to say, "Additionally, the objective of this center is to provide insightful and constructive recommendations, perspectives, and alternatives that are grounded in the vast wealth of human and humanitarian experiences that have come before us. It is essential that we tap into the wealth of knowledge and expertise that exists within our community, by leveraging the intellectual and specialized capabilities of all individuals within it, in order to achieve our goals."

"In our efforts to find solutions for development, advancement and problem-solving, we always strive to explore the full range of possibilities within the resources and capabilities that are readily available to us," he added. 

"The Consultative Center for Studies and Documentation serves as the vital link between us and the diverse pool of intellectual and visionary resources that we rely on to guide our actions," Nasrallah noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the economic situation in Lebanon, saying, "No one argues that the economic situation is perplexing in Lebanon, this matter is not exceptional for Lebanon. Rather, there are many countries threatened with collapse. It is not permissible for us to despair, although there are attempts to spread hopelessness in the country, this is a perilous matter."

"It is not permissible to remain in a state of confusion, as was the case in the past years, and somewhere the competent authority must take the initiative to develop a vision to address the economic situation. On this basis, plans and programs can be drawn up based on a complete and elaborate vision. Corruption was rooted deep in the state long time ago, if each sect presented its best thoughts and expertise to assume administrative responsibilities in the state, we would not have reached this stage," Hezbollah leader said.

Nasrallah continued, "One of the most important causes of the crisis is the misconception of the economic vision in the 1990s and some corrupt and deceitful economic policies. Our positions on them were clear in Parliament, the first of which was the debt policy. A more serious matter was disrupting the production and making quick profits, thus our economy has turned into a fragile one. Also among the reasons are sectarian quotas, absence of sustainable development, repercussions of internal wars, reconstruction, and displacement file."

"It is unfortunate that some people suggest that the blockade on Lebanon is not in place, as it is not only implemented by placing a battleship off the Lebanese coast, but also through the actions and attitudes of the American administration towards the Lebanese authority. The blockade is implemented through a variety of means, including preventing external assistance, grants, and loans from reaching Lebanon, as well as blocking the Lebanese government from accepting donations and investments, and from addressing the issue of Syrian refugees," he said.

Nasrallah noted, "Returning to the vision that has been adopted by misguided policies, which is that the region is moving towards resolving the conflict with the Zionist entity, and this is what led us to where we are today. Whoever wants to put in place new economic policies must not build a vision at the expense of a settlement in the region and there is no two-state solution, especially with the new corrupt and terrorist government."

There is no settlement with Syria, too; what happened in Syria is one of the attempts to come up with a political regime that gives the Golan Heights to the Zionist entity, he added.

The Hezbollah chief went on to say, "We have to work on an economy that provides food security and does not rely on foreign aid and assistance. One of the reasons for strength is the issue of oil and gas, as it is a huge wealth in the sea of Lebanon."

"Today, the European decision is decisive to dispense with Russian gas, its priority is the Mediterranean wealth, because its cost is lower, therefore, we have to search for companies to benefit from our national wealth. We definitely have oil in our land, and our facts say that politics have forced it to stop, and the same is true in Palestine and Syria, as there is exploration and extraction of oil near our borders," he said.

One of the main strengths is the expatriates, who are still today the most important financial source for the livelihood of the Lebanese, Nasrallah said, adding, "Expatriates are exposed today to danger, harassment, and aggression by the USA through putting merchants and rich personalities on sanctions lists on unjust charges. This needs a follow-up by the state, which unfortunately does nothing."

He said, "Many speculate that if Lebanon says it is outside the conflict with “Israel”, then everything will be resolved. I invite you to observe the situation in Egypt, the first country that made peace with the Israeli enemy. Egypt has the best relations with the US and Saudi Arabia, and it is with the International Monetary Fund. What situation is Egypt in?"

"We want a president who, if the Americans blow on him, wouldn’t flutter from the Baabda Palace to the Mediterranean. We want a brave president who is ready for sacrifice and who is not concerned with the American threats," Nasrallah underlined.