TEHRAN, Jan. 03 (MNA) – Palestinian Islamic Jihad representative in Tehran says that martyr Lt. General Qassem Soleimani played a key role in repelling Western aggression and preventing regional countries from turning into failed states.

Saying that the West hardly tries to maintain the existence of the Zionist regime and make the countries of the region completely dependent on itself, Nasser Abu Sharif told Mehr News Agency that martyr Lt. General Qassem Soleimani played an important role in foiling this plot.

He added that with the presence of the Resistance forces and the Palestinian people, the Israeli regime cannot survive, thus, for the West, the destruction of the region is the only solution to maintain the power of the Zionist regime.

Therefore, the decision to destroy Syria, the destruction of Iraq, the destruction of Egypt, and also the destruction of the military of the countries in the region is a Western decision, Abu Sharif continued.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Islamic Jihad representative also praised the efforts of martyr Soleimani in empowering the Palestinian Resistance and preventing the countries of the region from failing.

He also referred to the great measures that General Soelimani took in Iraq and Syria in the post-war era, including encouraging Russia to cooperate in fighting against the Syrian-based terrorists.

"Martyr Qassem Soleimani played a significant role in repelling the great project that seeks to completely destruct the Islamic Ummah for the benefit of the Zionist regime. Of course, this sinister project had many tools, which, unfortunately, some Arab countries in the region were among its tools," Abu Sharif added.

Stating that eliminating martyr Soleimani was the goal of the Israeli regime due to his support for the Resistance and his outstanding character, Abu Sharif cited that no one could replace martyr Soleimani and many of his remarkable characteristics made him a dangerous figure for the Zionist regime. "Therefore, (eliminating) Martyr Soleimani was placed at the top of the Zionists' goals," he continued.

"The Zionist regime benefits from the chaotic situation of some countries in the region and Haj Qassem played a major role in protecting these countries," he went on to say, adding that the Israeli regime encouraged Donald Trump to assassinate Qassem Soleimani.

Undoubtedly, after his (General Soliemani) martyrdom, he turned to an example for all Resistance fighters in the region, and his culture spread after his martyrdom," Abu Sharif stressed.
