TEHRAN, Dec. 12 (MNA) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the US for giving support and weapons to terrorist organizations in northern Syria.

"America is sending 4,000-5,000 trucks of weapons and ammunition to northern Syria. Even though I've told them this over and over, they don't care.

"We are with you in NATO. Although we are together, you are doing wrong to us and you are on the side of the terrorist organization ... we will pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps," he added, Anadolu reported.

Under the pretext of fighting PKK terrorists, Turkey has deployed its troops in areas of northern Iraq and Syria and is conducting aerial attacks on parts of the northern areas of these countries. Ankara has received widespread criticism from both Iraqi and Kurdish authorities in Bagdhad and Erbil as well as the international community for violating Iraqi sovereignty under the pretext of fighting the PKK.

Erdogan also signaled a ground operation into northern Iraq and northern Syria to eliminate the terror threat.