TEHRAN, Jul. 11 (MNA) – The Chairman of Iran-Uzbekistan Parliamentary Friendship Group announced the visit of Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf to Uzbek capital of Tashkent on Tuesday evening.

Gholamreza Nouri Ghezeljeh said that Iranian Parliament Speaker will visit Uzbekistan at the head of a high-ranking parliamentary delegation on Tuesday at the official invitation of his Uzbek counterpart in order to strengthen parliamentary ties between Tehran and Tashkent and to facilitate promotion of political, cultural and economic relations between the two countries.

Ghalibaf’s visit to Uzbekistan indicates the significance of parliamentary ties with the Central Asian countries, he added.

Meeting with parliament speaker of Uzbekistan, holding talks with Uzbek businesspersons and merchants and visiting some cultural capacities to promote relations between the two countries are among the programs behind visit of Iran Parliament Speaker and his accompanying delegation to Uzbekistan.

Despite having cultural and regional commonalities, the two countries of Iran and Uzbekistan enjoy high capacities to broaden bilateral ties especially in the field of trade, Nouri-Ghezeljeh emphasized.

Due to the commonalities of countries and activities of Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Central Asia can play an important role in promoting export of products of the country, increasing sustainable incomes and also accessing to bigger markets.
