TEHRAN, May 26 (MNA) – The Israeli regime is outraged the New York Time newspaper for revealing the fact that the regime was behind the recent assassination of an Iranian serviceman in Tehran.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth has reported the military officials of the Israeli regime were angry at the New York Time newspaper for revealing the fact that the regime was behind the recent assassination of IRGC member Colonel Sayad Khodaei in Tehran.

The American newspaper had cited sources that the Tel Aviv regime had informed Washington on the plot to carry out the assassination in Tehran.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth the Israeli military apparatuses have demanded explanations from their American counterparts for revealing the regime's responsibility in the assassination while acquitting the United States.

The New York Times quoted an informed source as saying on Thursday morning that the Zionist regime of Isrel had informed the United States that the assassination of the martyr Sayad Khodaei was done by them.

Two people on a motorbike shot and martyred the IRGC member Sayyad Khodaei who was a military advisor in Syria in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Sunday.
