TEHRAN, Jan. 21 (MNA) – Media sources reported that Saudi-led coalition airstrike on Communication Building in Yemen’s Al Hudaydah on Friday completely cut off internet in this province.

Saudi warplanes continue to bomb residential neighborhoods and infrastructures in Yemen's western city of Hudaydah, leading to shot down of internet communication and civilian casualties.

The Saudi aggressor coalition bombed the communications building in al-Hudaydah province to prevent the spread of news and reports about its recent crimes against the Yemenis, Almasirah reported.

According to the report, a source in Yemeni General Directorate of Communications announced the cutting off Internet services in Yemen due to the Saudi-led coalition airstrike on international Internet equipment in the communications building, which is the only Internet power supply in the northern and southern provinces.

Yemen lost its connection to the internet nationwide early Friday after Saudi-led airstrikes targeted a site in the contested city of Hudaydah, an advocacy group said, plunging the war-torn nation offline.

Earlier, Saudi coalition fighter jets bombed Saada Central Prison. More than 60 prisoners were killed and more than 100 were injured in the atrocity. The Yemeni Ministry of Health said in a statement said that some of the victims of the attack are non-Yemenis."
