TEHRAN, Sep. 29 (MNA) – Yahya Rahim Safavi, a top military aide to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said Wednesday that Iran has become too powerful that no power from beyond the region can wage a large-scale war against it.

"Our security and defense is the result of the power that our country has achieved such that military threats and aggression against us are not within sight" General Yahya Rahim Safavi, a top military aide to the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said on Wednesday on the sidelines of a ceremony in Tehran while talking to reporters.

However, the top military advisor added that the Iranian armed forces always need to be prepared and should not underestimate the trans-regional enemies as unable to take Iran by surprise.

"Just because Iran is the first influential power in the equations of the West Asian region, our defense power in this region is a great and influential power in the security defense equations," the general added.

"Both our nation and our armed forces have become so powerful that none of the trans-regional powers, such as the United States etc., can take any action against this power sp that would lead to a massive military attack on Iran," he also underscored.

Meanwhile, Gen. Rahim Safavi noted that "the situation in Iran is different from those of Afghanistan and Iraq."

Today, we have gained so much power in the maritime field that our strategic navy can cross the Atlantic to reach the Russian port of St. Petersburg, while the United States had told the West African countries not to provide any port or even medical services to the Iranian fleet, according to Iranian general. "This successful maneuver was unimaginable to the Americans," according to Rahim Safavi.
