TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) –The second Iranian ship carrying fuel oil for the Lebanese people arrived in Syria's Banias port, local media have said.

The second Iranian oil tanker arrived at the Syrian port of Banias on Thursday night, Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV website said.

Meanwhile, Al-Mayadeen reported on Wednesday evening, quoting its correspondent, that the fifth convoy carrying Iranian fuel oil had entered Lebanese territory.

Earlier this week, the trucks carrying the first shipment of Iranian fuel oil arrived in Syria last Thursday and were welcomed by the Lebanese people upon its arrival on Lebanese soil later.

The fuel convoys entered Lebanese territory after Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, in a speech on the occasion of Ashura, announced the departure of fuel tankers from Iran to Lebanon amid the fuel crisis in the Arab country.

Subsequently, the Lebanese sources reported on Thursday, September 16 that the first convoy of Iranian fuel oil tankers arrived in Lebanon via the Hermel-Al-Qusair land border.

Lebanon has been facing a deteriorating economic crisis, including fuel shortages, for a year and a half as a result of US sanctions. Some Lebanese businessmen have bought fuel from Iran through Hezbollah to bring the crisis under control and prevent the collapse of the country's institutions.
