Publish Date: 6 September 2021 - 08:00

TEHRAN, Sep. 06 (MNA) – The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran’s latest developments in the last 24 hours.

President Raeisi receives 2nd dose of Barakat vaccine

President Ebrahim Raeisi received the second dose of locally manufactured vaccine Cov Iran Barakat on Sunday.

The Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi received the first dose of the locally manufactured vaccine "Cov Iran Barakat" last month on Sunday, August 8.

High-ranking Iranian officials such as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution have been injected with the locally-produced Barakat vaccines as a sign of support for domestic prodution.

Iran backs "useful" negotiations, Raeisi tells Macron

President Ebrahim Raeisi told his French counterpart on Sunday that "Iran supports useful negotiations," adding that "the sanctions against Iran must be lifted."

President Ebrahim Raeisi held a phone conversation with French President Emanuel Macron on Sunday afternoon.

During the phone call, the Iranian president said, "We welcome broadening relations with France, especially in the economic and trade fields, and support any action that contributes to security and stability in the region and neighboring countries."

Raeisi also said, "Today, the policy of NATO and US military intervention in Afghanistan has failed."

American politician implicitly confirms Tehran Times report

Mark Dubowitz, one of the people who knew about the secret group titled "Group on Iran Policy", has implicitly confirmed in a tweet the existence of such a group by saying he is "honored" to be part of it.

In a report titled “Group on Iran Policy” on Saturday, the Tehran Times revealed that the Biden administration was working with a number of Iran hawks in Washington to “set out a plan to destroy the Vienna talks in case they are resumed.”

“The US special envoy for Iran, Rob Malley, has been in touch with a vague, secret team of former Trump officials and Iran experts at conservative think tanks. The hush-hush team, known among its members as ‘Group on Iran Policy,’ includes Trump Iran envoy Eliot Abrams, former diplomat and Distinguished Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy Dennis Ross, and managing director at the Washington Institute Michael Singh, the Tehran Times can reveal,” the report said.

Afghanistan neighboring states' meeting to be held Sept. 8

The virtual meeting of foreign ministers of Afghanistan’s neighboring countries will be held on Wed. Sept. 8 to discuss the latest developments in this country.

The Special Representatives of Afghanistan's neighboring countries discussed the current developments in Afghanistan through video conference on Sunday.

In this virtual meeting, Iranian Foreign Ministry’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Affairs Ebrahim Taherianfard emphasized the need to pay attention to sufferings and problems of Afghan people and said that peace and security in Afghanistan is possible only with the formation of an inclusive government through the participation of all ethnic groups.

Iran FM offers condolences on senior Lebanese cleric's demise

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abodllahian issued a message Sun. to offer condolences on the demise of the head of Supreme Islamic Shia Council of Lebanon Ayatollah Sheikh Abdol-Amir Qabalan.

The top Iranian diplomat said in his message of condolence on Sunday that Ayatollah Sheikh Abdol-Amir Qabalan was a prominent figure in the Islamic world who raised his voice to defend the Resistance in Lebanon and Palestine against the aggression and occupation of the usurping Zionist regime.

Iran uni. students rank 2nd at AIAA Aircraft Design Comp.

Iranian university students won second place in the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Aircraft Design Competition.

A group of students from the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering of the Sharif University of Technology won second place in the International Aircraft Design Competition by presenting the "Chaka Jet".

MP says LG, Samsung should not be allowed back in Iran

A member of the Iranian Parliament called the representatives not to allow LG and Samsung companies to return to Iran.

"It is heard that Samsung and LG intend to return Iran with strange conditions,” Alireza Salimi said while addressing an open session of the Parliament on Sunday.

"When the country needed Samsung and LG, they left Iran, and is not accepted that Korean products enter our country instead of the blocked Iranian money in South Korea regarding the situation created by the Americans,” he added.

Ataei names Iran team for Asian Men’s Championship

The head coach of the Iranian national volleyball team invited 14 players to participate in the 2021 Asian Men's Volleyball Championship.

2021 Asian Men's Volleyball Championship will be hosted by Japan on September 12 -18.

Iran imports 648k doses of AstraZeneca vaccine: IRICA

Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) announced that 45th shipment of imported coronavirus vaccine, including 648,000 doses of Russia’s AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in the country on Sun.

Technical Deputy President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) Mehrdad Jamal Arvanaghi broke the news on Sun. and stated that two other shipments of  COVID-19 vaccine will arrive in the country today.

Iran COVID-19 update: 25,870 news cases, 610 deaths

According to the Iranian Health Ministry, 25,870 new COVID-19 infections have been detected across the country and 610 people have lost their lives since Sat.

Iranian Ministry of Health and Medical Education announced the new figure, adding that 3,430 of the newly-detected patients have been hospitalized since yesterday.

Iran parliamentary delegation to depart for Vienna

The spokesman of the presiding board of the Iranian Parliament Seyyed Nezam Al-Din Mousavi announced that a parliamentary delegation will attend the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) summit in Vienna.

Iran Air Defense has no concern for enemy electronic warfare

Deputy Commander of Iranian Army Air Defense said that there is no concern about the implementation of electronic warfare operations and electronic disruption by the enemies.

"When the threats against our country are mainly air threats, the type of defense should be drawn in proportion to this threat and should be given priority. Therefore, air defense remains the country's top priority," said Brigadier General Alireza Elhami in an interview with Fars News Agency.