TEHRAN, Jan. 31 (MNA) – Iranian knowledge-based companies and tech firms have stepped forward to produce medical equipment and health-protective items needed to combat the coronavirus.

“In line with the plans to rely on domestic capabilities, thee knowledge-based firms have expressed readiness to mass-produce COVID-19 test kits… These companies are awaiting the necessary permits,” Dr. Mostafa Ghane’i, the head of the National Coronavirus Headquarters' Science Committee told Mehr News on Sunday.

Noting that the mentioned firms are ready to start their production lines as soon as the Health Ministry gives the green light, he said, each company has the capacity to produce at least one million kits per day.

In case the mass-production starts, the tech firms can both fulfill the domestic demands and extend their footprints in the international markets.

Iran, which was among the worst-hit countries after the emergence of the coronavirus last year, has also been battling with the inhumane US sanctions that affected its ability to make the payment for importing vaccines as well as life-saving medical equipment.

However, the country has made every effort to overcome the situation by relying on its domestic capabilities as much as possible by producing items, such as the COVID-19 vaccines.

In parallel with efforts at developing home-made vaccines, Iranian authorities have said the county has plans to purchase foreign brands that pass safety and efficiency tests.

So far, 1,411,731 Iranians have been infected with COVID-19 in the country. Close to 58,000 people have died, while over 1.2 million have recovered.
