TEHRAN, Jan. 04 (MNA) – A spokesman for IAEA said that Rafael Grossi is expected to present a report on Iran’s 20 percent uranium enrichment to members of the Board of Governors.

A spokesman for the International Atomic Energy Organization said on Monday that IAEA inspectors have been monitoring the activities of Fordow Nuclear Facility and based on their information, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi is expected to present a report on Iran’s 20 percent uranium enrichment to members of the Board of Governors.

In a brief talk with Mehr News Agency on Monday, Ali Rabiei pointed to Iran’s counteractive plan to enrich uranium to up to 20% purity, saying that the gas injection process into centrifuges started “hours ago” following President Hassan Rouhani’s recent order on the implementation of the plan.

Rabiei noted that the enrichment started this morning while the pre-requisite measures such as informing the International Atomic Energy Agency and submitting a questionnaire based on the country's safeguard obligations have been taken.

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