Publish Date: 26 November 2020 - 10:05

TEHRAN, Nov. 26 (MNA) – The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran’s latest developments in the last 24 hours.

Iran, Afghanistan discuss expanding cultural-media coop.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman discussed with Afghan officials on the expansion and development of cultural-media cooperation.

Zionist regime, cause of ‘insecurity, instability’ in region

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the Zionist regime is the main cause of insecurity and instability in the region.

Iranian prisoners exchanged with Zionist Spy

Three Iranian citizens who were detained abroad were exchanged with a spy working with the Zionist regime, sources said.

Iran to back any step for strengthening Bosnia’s development

The Islamic Republic of Iran will support every step for strengthening the independence and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina wholeheartedly, says the Iranian envoy to the country.

Iran seeking to establish peace in Afghanistan via joint coop

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that Iran seeks to establish peace and security in Afghanistan through joint cooperation.

Basij God-given blessing, great wealth for Iranian nation

Describing Basij as great wealth and God-given blessing for the Iranian nation, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution noted, "Enemies of the Iranian nation have always been thinking of destroying or neutralizing Basij."

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei issued a letter on the anniversary of the formation of Basij forces on Nov. 25, 1979.

Iran plans to purchase 18m doses of COVID-19 vaccine

Iran is planning to purchase around 18 million doses of vaccine for coronavirus.

9 power plants to come online by yearend: min.

Iranian energy minister informed that 9 power plants will come online by the current yearend (March 20, 2021).

Khaf-Herat railway to come on stream in few weeks: Roads min.

Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development said that Khaf-Herat railway between Iran and Afghanistan will become operational before the termination of the Iranian month of Azar (Dec. 20).

Covid-19 claims 469 lives in 24h in Iran

According to the latest announced figures by the Iranian Health Ministry, 13,843 new COVID-19 infections have been confirmed in the past 24 hours, while 469 have lost lives.

Building up defense capabilities proportional to threats

Commander of the Iranian Army's Ground Forces said that the force always monitors the developments in the region and builds the necessary defence capabilities in proportion to the leading conflicts and threats.

JCPOA not negotiatable, Iran optimist about no US admin.

Iranian President’s Chief of Staff underlined that Iran is not optimistic about any of the US administrations and will hold no new round of talks about the JCPOA.

US new admin. must make up for wrong policies against Iran

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that the future administration of the United States must make up for the wrong policies that the previous administration applied to the Iranian people during the last four years.