TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) – Iran Centrifuge Technology Company has designed and developed a new generation of centrifuge machines, which will be unveiled at Natanz enrichment facility in the near future, according to the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).

According to an announcement by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) on Friday, experts at the Iran Centrifuge Technology Company have been making round-the-clock efforts to design and develop various generations of centrifuge machines to serve the AEOI’s peaceful nuclear purposes.

The company will be taking effective steps in advancing the country’s peaceful nuclear objectives by unveiling a new generation of centrifuges in the near future.

According to the statement, the new centrifuges will be stationed at Natanz enrichment facility in Isfahan.

On March 22, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran announced in a statement that the Arak Heavy Water Complex is producing heavy water, Oxygen-18 and deuterium isotope compounds round the clock and at its maximum capacity even during the New Year holidays, which began on March 20.
