TEHRAN, Jan. 11 (MNA) – Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the aim of his visit to Iran is to play a role in reducing tensions between Tehran and Washington.

First, Shah Mehmood Qureshi is scheduled to travel to Iran under the orders of Prime Minister Imran Khan to play a role in reducing tensions, according to the statement released by Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Then he will travel to Saudi Arabia and the US, the statement added.

Pakistan's stance is to avoid tensions in the region and Islamabad is ready to help defuse tensions, it noted.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Abbas Mousavi announced on Saturday that the top Pakistani diplomat is planned to visit Tehran on Sunday, January 12.

According to Mousavi, Qureshi will travel to Iran for talks with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and other Iranian officials.

In his comments in May 2019, Qureshi had warned that a number of world powers were hatching plots to undermine the bilateral relations between Islamabad and Tehran, stressing that the conspiracies would get nowhere.

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