TEHRAN, Apr. 25 (MNA) – Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami has said that Iran attaches no value to the illegal and unlawful behavior of the US president.

Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami made the remarks in a meeting with his Serbian counterpart in Moscow on the sidelines of the eighth Moscow Conference on International Security (MCIS) on Thursday.

In the meeting, the Iranian defense minister expressed hope that Iran-Serbia bilateral relations would develop, saying that opening Serbia military attaché office in Tehran would pave the way for expanding bilateral relations in security and defense fields.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Hatami referred to US terrorism designation of Iran’s IRGC, saying that "Iran does not attach any importance to the illegal and unlawful behavior of the US president."

He added that the US latest move against IRGC showed that the Americans are seeking to destabilize the region.

The Serbian defense minister expressed his appreciation to efforts of the Islamic Republic of Iran to reopen the military affairs office at the the Serbian Embassy in Iran, saying "We have good bilateral relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

He criticized some countries for meddling with the good relations between friendly countries, saying that Serbia takes decisions according to national interests and will not allow any country to interfere in its strategic policies.
