TEHRAN, Jan. 03 (MNA) – Iranian FM Mohammad Javad Zarif, reacting to the current protests in the country and the US’ reaction to them, said infiltrators will not be allowed to sabotage the protests through violence.

“Iran's security and stability depend on its own people, who — unlike the peoples of Trump's regional "bffs”—have the right to vote and to protest,” Javad Zarif wrote on his Twitter account on Tuesday.

He went on to add, “these hard-earned rights will be protected, and infiltrators will not be allowed to sabotage them through violence and destruction.”

Since Thursday, groups of Iranian protesters have taken to the streets in several cities to voice their dissatisfaction mostly over economic issues. Sporadic violence has erupted during the protests, causing a number of casualties. US President Donald Trump has been backing the protests in a series of offensive tweets in what is come to be Washington’s interference in Iran’s domestic affairs. 
