Indonesian surgeons amazed by accuracy of Iranian-made robots
TEHRAN, Mar. 03 (MNA) – Iranian-made Sina robots supplied to hospitals in Indonesia for surgery purposes have surprised medical professionals in the country, according to a report published in the Iranian media.
Iran student robotics teams shine in RobotChallenge 2024
TEHRAN, Aug. 13 (MNA) – Iran's U12 and U17 student robotics teams have excelled at the 2024 World Robot Contest Championships, also known as RobotChallenge, in Beijing, China.
Iran, Indonesia agree to launch robotic telesurgery center
TEHRAN, Dec.31 (MNA) – Iran and Indonesia have agreed as part of a joint venture to open a robotic telesurgery center at a hospital in the Asian country’s port city of Makassar.
Iran under-17 team win silver at Beijing RobotChallenge 2023
TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) – Iran's under-17 team won second place at RobotChallenge 2023 in Beijing, China, Iranian media reported on Tuesday.
By: Seyed Saeed Reza Razavi
16th Iran-Open RoboCup in Tehran
TEHRAN, May 05 (MNA) – The 16th edition of RoboCup Iran-Open brought together 100 teams from across the country to compete in different fields of robotics and Artificial Intelligence with a focus on soccer robots.
VIDEO: Kawasaki unveils rideable electric goat
TEHRAN, Mar. 16 (MNA) – Kawasaki's Ibex robot debuted at the world's largest robot exhibition in Tokyo.
Mexican-made nanorobots to be sent to explore moon
TEHRAN, Feb. 27 (MNA) – Five tiny robots developed by researchers at the National Autonomous University (UNAM) will depart for the moon in June to carry out a range of unprecedented lunar measurements.