Ministry of Justice
Deputy justice min.:
130 Iranian inmates extradited from Iraq
TEHRAN, Feb. 26 (MNA) – Deputy of Human Rights and International Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Head of the Convict Transfer Committee Askar Jalalian says that 130 Iranian inmates have been repatriated from Iraq into the country.
Iran's justice minister proposes creating 'Sanctions Club'
TEHRAN, May 13 (MNA) – Iranian Justice Minister Amin Hossein Rahimi has proposed establishing a "Sanctions Club," which could be a platform for countries to discuss measures to counter sanctions pressure from the West.
11 Iranian prisoners transferred home from neighboring Iraq
TEHRAN, Feb. 25 (MNA) – According to a convict transfer agreement, 11 Iranian prisoners were transferred to Iran from the neighboring country of Iraq on Thursday.
Iran, Armenia ink MoU on enhancing judicial coop.
TEHRAN, Feb. 20 (MNA) – A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was inked in Tehran on Sunday between Islamic Republic of Iran and Republic of Armenia on judicial cooperation.
Iran justice minister departs for Egypt to attend COSP
TEHRAN, Dec. 13 (MNA) – The Iranian Minister of Justice Amin Hossein Rahimi departed for Egypt to attend the Ninth session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption.