Publish Date: 17 December 2022 - 19:00

TEHRAN, Dec. 17 (MNA) – The border clashes between the forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Armenia were reported to have continued.

The Azerbaijani defense ministry claimed on Saturday that Armenian forces shelled the positions of its forces on Friday.

On December 16, at 23:35, the Armenian armed forces units from the positions in the direction of the Yukhari Shorzha settlement of the Basarkechar region using light weapnary subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of the Zaylik settlement of the Kalbajar region, Azeri English website Trend reported citing the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan.

Moreover, on December 17, at 09:05, members of an illegal Armenian armed detachment in the territory of Azerbaijan, where the Russian peacekeepers are temporarily deployed, using light weapons subjected to fire the Azerbaijan Army positions stationed in the direction of the Naghdali settlement of the Lachin region.

The Azerbaijan Army Units stationed in these directions took adequate retaliatory measures, according to the report.

Armenia, in turn, accused Baku forces of the escalation and claimed that the Azeri forces had fired at Armenian forces first.

The Azeri forces reportedly blocked the important "Lachin" crossing.

Despite the efforts made, these two neighboring countries have not reached final peace yet.
