TEHRAN, Dec. 06 (MNA) – It is necessary to put an end to Washington’s unlawful activity in the field of biological weapons, because it is a threat to the security of Russia and other regions of the world, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov says.

"It is necessary to establish an appropriate verification mechanism. It is necessary to strengthen confidence-building measures within the framework of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. And most importantly, it is essential to put an end to the illegal and unlawful activities that the United States, with reliance on its allies in many parts of the world, is conducting in this field," Ryabkov told the media in the State Duma on Tuesday.

"It is an immediate threat to security: to the security of our country because this activity continues along Russia’s perimeter borders, and to the security of many states in other regions," he added.

According to TASS, Ryabkov stressed that the Russian delegation was working "vigorously" at the ongoing 9th BTWC Review Conference in Geneva.

"We have been holding presentation events and news briefings both directly at the conference and on its sidelines. We present facts and figures indicating that the convention needs to be strengthened," he added.