TEHRAN, Nov. 21 (MNA) – Iranian Ambassador to Iraq Mohammad Kazem Al-e Sadegh said that the central Iraqi government will take control of the borders and the separatist terrorist groups should be disarmed and returned to the refugee camps.

Speaking on Sunday evening, the Iranian diplomat revealed the negotiations between Iranian and Iraqi officials regarding the border issues.

During the meeting, Iran requested the Iraqi central government to take the control of borders of Iraq.

Stating that the Iraqi government has agreed with Iran’s request, Ale- Sadegh said that Baghdad has asked for time regarding the disarmament of the separatist and opposition groups.

He emphasized that Iran has asked the Iraqi government to set a scheduled date for disarming the opposition.

Stressing that the separatist groups should be disarmed and returned to the camps as refugees, the ambassador pointed out that Iran agreed with the Iraqi side on the exchange of wanted persons based on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) inked between the Iranian and Iraqi judicial bodies.

Despite the repeated emphasis of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the need to end the presence of terrorist groups in the Iraqi Kurdistan region (KRG), Erbil again made claims in this regard last evening.

Accordingly, the Spokesperson for the Iraqi Kurdistan region issued a statement and claimed that Iraq’s Kurdistan government will not allow its soil to pose a threat to the security of neighboring countries.
