TEHRAN, Nov. 19 (MNA) – Ukraine’s air force spokesman Yuriy Ignat admitted that at least some missile fragments that fell in Poland earlier this week could have been Ukrainian.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Ignat claimed that scores of missiles were fired by both Russia and Ukraine on that day. In his opinion, the projectile whose fragments killed two people in eastern Poland could have been fired by both the Russian and Ukrainian military.

"Anything could be the result of this air defense battle," he was quoted as saying.

The spokesman acknowledged that at least some of the missile parts could have been Ukrainian, adding that "we can assume at least thirty missiles were launched from our side."

In the paper’s opinion, Ignat’s remarks may point to "a further softening" of Ukraine’s insistence that the missile parts were not of Ukrainian origin.

A missile fell in the village of Przewodow in eastern Poland’s Lublin Voivodeship close to the border with Ukraine on November 15, killing two people. Polish President Andrzej Duda said on Wednesday the missile was part of the Ukrainian air defense system. The US State Department said the US has full confidence in the accuracy of conclusions made by Poland. The Russian Foreign Ministry called statements by Kyiv with respect to the incident a "gross provocation." According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the missile was fired by a Ukrainian S-300 air defense system.