TEHRAN, Oct. 29 (MNA) – The European authorities' statements and their unconventional and contrary decisions against Iran show that the authorities of this continent have quickly distanced themselves from diplomacy in interaction with Iran.

Among these, three countries France, Germany and England are pioneers, and these three countries should be considered separately from the rest of the European countries.

The three European countries that have not been able to force the United States to implement their commitments in the JCPOA and have not played a constructive role in implementing useful diplomatic measures, have become passive actors in recent weeks and are moving in the direction of confrontation with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Europe's interventionist statements after the death of Mrs. Mahsa Amini and riding the wave of internal riots and trying to turn it into chaos and disorder, as well as ignoring the attacks of anti-Iranian terrorists on diplomatic centers, are completely against international standards and an example of interference in internal affairs of an independent country. These actions, which were carried out in line with the policies of the United States and Israel, were not consistent with diplomatic approaches and showed the weakness of the diplomatic apparatus of these countries and the lack of proper analysis of Iran's internal situation.

The baseless claims of European countries regarding the use of Iranian drones and missiles in Ukraine by Russia, which were repeatedly denied by Iran's official authorities, again caused a miscalculation and made Europe confront Iran and avoid dialogue and diplomatic measures. The European Union, aligned with the United States, imposed sanctions against Iran's institutions and legal and natural persons under this pretext and did not accept Iran's constructive proposals, such as the investigation of the issue by Iranian and Ukrainian technical experts.

In the meantime, the German Foreign Ministry, like unofficial associations and with a non-diplomatic tone, in response to Iran's countermeasure to sanction three European countries, claimed to defend "freedom of expression and media" and forgot that Europe has repeatedly has banned and criticized the media networks of the Islamic Republic of Iran, such as Press TV and Al-Alam and removed them from several orbital satellites.

In support of terrorist groups and rioters, the German government announced that it is reviewing its relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran. A completely undiplomatic action that reminds of the tyranny of the Nazi era in this country and blocks the path of diplomacy to pass the current stage. Considering Berlin's non-constructive actions in the JCPOA and the low level of economic relations and the limited movement of Iranian officials to Germany, the Islamic Republic of Iran will definitely not see any harm from the reduction of relations between the two countries, but this unconventional behavior of Germany will be recorded in the history of our relations. Stopping the activities of the German cultural center in Iran, which has become a place to spread the culture of unrestrainedness and cultural aggression of this country against Iran, will naturally be welcomed by Tehran.

Unfortunately, France, which is among the most notorious European countries in the field of human rights violations, has turned its back on diplomacy and put interventionist measures, especially support for rioters, at the forefront of its anti-Iranian actions in recent weeks. A country that has restricted the freedoms of Muslims and has closed down 99 mosques and even destroyed Muslim cemeteries since September 2020, according to its interior minister, Gerald Darmanin, is speaking of human rights violations in Iran today.

Although the history of British interference in Iran is long and the people of Iran are still grieving the separation of Bahrain and Herat from their country by the British colonialists, supporting the recent disturbances in Iran and keeping silent in front of the terrorists who attacked the Iranian embassy in London is a symbol of London's non-diplomatic and confrontational approaches against Iran.

History shows that the adoption of non-constructive and interventionist approaches by Europe during Imam Khomeini's decree against Salman Rushdie and the Mykonos case, which was accompanied by undiplomatic measures, ultimately led to the embarrassment and regret of European countries. Repeating this failed approach by the European Union, which is based on miscalculations and misinformation, exposes the Union to failure once again.

The solution is that Europe adheres to international norms and standards and avoids moving in the direction of the US and Israel's goals and also avoids interfering in Iran's internal affairs, taking the diplomatic route to revive the JCPOA and also to clarify the dimensions of the accusation against Iran in the issue of sales weapons to Russia. Otherwise, of course, the Islamic Republic of Iran also has the right to take preventive decisions.