Publish Date: 24 September 2022 - 14:05

TEHRAN, Sep. 24 (MNA) – A group of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps commanders, in a letter, appreciated President Raeisi's speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

"Your Excellency's courageous, well-reasoned and admirable speech at the United Nations once again made the world hear the voice of the honor, authority, and glory of the Islamic Republic of Iran," the IRGC commanders wrote in a letter to the Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi.

They also expressed sincere gratitude for Raeisi's statements, especially on the issue of the fair demand over the case of the assassination of Martyr Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

President Raeisi delivered his speech at the United Nations General Assembly last Wednesday during which he stressed Iran seeks justice in the world while emphasizing that its atomic program is totally peaceful.

He said that the Islamic Republic of Iran rejects double standards in the field of human rights and wants to preserve the rights of the oppressed people.

The president also recalled that Iran spearheaded by the top General Major General Qassem Soleimani defeated the western-created ISIL terrorism.

He said Iran seeks justice in the case of General Soleiamni's assassination and will sue the perpetrators behind the crime.
