TEHRAN, Jul. 18 (MNA) – Lieutenant General Michael Kurilla, commander of United States Central Command visited the occupying American troops stationed in the east of Syria.

Informed sources in West Asia region and close to Syrian opposition groups have said said that "Michael Kurilla", the commander of United States Central Command in West Asia (CENTCOM), went to the occupied area of "Al-Tanaf" in the east of Syria before leaving for the occupied Palestinian territories and meeting with the Zionist regime security officials.

He met with the occupying American forces in Al-Tanaf base, which is located in the border triangle of Syria, Jordan and Iraq, and American forces have been occupying this region for years under the pretext of fighting ISIL.

The Hebrew website "Wala" reported yesterday, Sunday, that the CENTCOM commander entered the occupied Palestinian territories for the second time since assuming his post to meet with the ZionistIsraeli regime's authorities.

Yesterday, he entered the occupied Palestinian territories and met and talked with Aviv Kochavi, the Chief of General Staff of the Israeli Army, and Benny Gantz, the regime war minister.

The CENTCOM Twitter page has also reported on General Kurilla's visit to Al-Tanaf.
