RIA Novosti on Wednesday quoted the Russian source as saying that that number does not include the aircraft destroyed by high-precision cruise missiles in the Donbas region.
Due to their relatively large size, low speed and poor maneuverability, unmanned drones are easy targets for Russian anti-aircraft missile systems such as the Pantsir-S1 and Tor M1, according to the Russian official.
He added that Turkish drones operate on the basis of an autonomous visual navigation system and can attack only one target at a single time.
The Russians have previously objected to the sale of Turkish TB2 UAVs to Ukraine.
Reuters, quoting a Turkish official, wrote that a private company has sold the drones to Ukraine and the government was not involved.
The Bayraktar TB2 is a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned combat aerial vehicle capable of remotely controlled or autonomous flight operations.
The Ukrainian government has so far purchased dozens of Bayraktar drones from Turkey.