TEHRAN, Apr. 23 (MNA) – In a message on Saturday, the Iranian President warned against the spread of threats against the people of Afghanistan and the other nations in the region.

Following the recurrence of criminal terrorist explosions against schools and mosques in different parts of Afghanistan, which has resulted in the martyrdom and injury of a significant number of Afghans, President Seyyed Ebrahim Raeisi warned in a message about the spread of threats against the Afghan people and the other nations in the region.

He strongly condemned the recent terrorist attacks in Afghanistan and stressed the need to ensure the security of all Afghans, especially their complete security in schools, mosques and religious sites.

Raeisi who is also the Chairman of the Supreme National Security Council stressed the responsibility of the Afghan rulers in identifying and punishing the terrorists responsible for the recent attacks, and stated that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate and use all its means to counter the threat of Takfiri terrorism and prevent the recurrence of these tragedies. It is ready to provide fraternal assistance to the victims of these terrorist attacks with medical help.
