Publish Date: 14 March 2022 - 07:34

TEHRAN, Mar. 14 (MNA) – The following are the Islamic Republic of Iran’s latest developments in the last 24 hours.

 Launch of "Noor" satellite manifestation of natl. might: Pres. Raeisi

Referring to the successful launch of “Noor” satellite, Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi said that achieving this technology is a manifestation of national power of the country.

Speaking in a Cabinet meeting on Sunday, President Raeisi termed a significant move taken by scientists of the country in achieving advanced technology “very valuable and honorable” and said that achieving this technology is one of the manifestations of national authority.

If West shows goodwill, good agreement is within reach

Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini, Spokesman for Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission says that if the West shows goodwill, a good agreement is within reach.

Speaking after a parliament session on Sunday while talking to reporters, Mahmoud Abbaszadeh Meshkini, Spokesman for Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said, "Today's meeting was held without guests and on the Vienna talks and its various scenarios. We still believe that the technical issues of the negotiations have been resolved and the political issues are the subject of the Vienna talks now."

Top Iranian security official reacts to IRGC missile attack

Top Iranian security official Ali Shamkhani has reacted to this morning's IRGC missile attack against Mossad base in the Iraqi city of Erbil, saying that Iran uses both diplomacy and its hard power to defend its interest

IRGC confirms hitting Israeli centers in Erbil with missiles

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in a statement confirmed that it targeted the Israeli centers in Erbil with precision-guided missiles.

Referring to the targeting of the Mossad training centers in Erbil by precision-guided missiles, the IRGC General Public Relations in a statement stressed that the repetition of any evil act of the Zionists will face harsh, decisive and destructive responses.

MPs urge negotiation team not to accept artificial deadlines

Lawmakers at the Iranian Parliament in a statement have called on the country’s negotiating team not to accept artificial deadlines set by the Western side for the finalization of the ongoing negotiations in Vienna.

A total of 160 lawmakers in a statement on Sunday have called on the country’s negotiating team not to accept the West's artificial deadlines in the ongoing talks in the Austrian capital of Vienna and to pursue the case with preservation of national interests and preannounced country’s red lines without any delay.

No final agreed upon texts in Vienna negotiations yet

An advisor to the Iranian negotiating team in Vienna has said that although Vienna negotiations have approached the finish line, there is no final draft agreement yet.

"I'm surprised that some journalists seem to think the Vienna talks are concluded," Mohammad Marandi on Sunday wrote in a tweet, adding, "There is no final agreed upon text yet."

Iranian wrestling federation invites US team for Takhti Cup

The chairman of Iran's Wrestling Federation Alireza Dabir has invited the US freestyle wrestling team to Takhti Cup competitions.

Recently, the Iranian national freestyle wrestling team was scheduled to play a friendly match in the United States at the official invitation from the American Wrestling Federation, but after the American government refused to issue visas for chairman of Iran's Wrestling Federation Alireza Dabir and five other members of the Iranian team, they had to call off their trip. The cancellation of the trip to the US came as a sign of protest against the US side.

Iran, Azerbaijan changing regional transport architecture

A memorandum of understanding between Azerbaijan and Iran was signed in Baku on the creation of new communication links between the East Zangezur economic region of Azerbaijan and the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic through the territory of Iran. The signing of this document was timed to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two states.

Issues related to verification resolved in Vienna talks

Saying that verification is of high importance for the Iranian negotiation team, the Foreign Ministry spokesman said that the issues related to verification have been resolved in Vienna.
