TEHRAN, Aug. 27 (MNA) – News sources reported on Thursday evening that a bomb was exploded en route of Syrian army forces on outskirts of Daraa in Syria, killing and wounding 10 Syrian soldiers.

A roadside bomb was exploded en route of Syrian army forces at the distance of Sheikh Meskeen area on the outskirts of Daraa, Al-Akhbariya News reported.

According to the report, two Syrian army forces were killed and eight others were wounded in the blast.

This is while that local sources in the northern suburb of A’zaz, Aleppo, reported a massive explosion in an area controlled by Turkish-backed National Army, claiming that the explosion was caused by a car bomb planted at the entrance of west A’zaz city.

Some local sources reported that a number of people were injured in the blast and put the number of injured at seven.
