Publish Date: 17 June 2021 - 09:03

TEHRAN, Jun. 17 (MNA) – Mehr News takes a look at the headlines of Iran’s Persian-language dailies on Wednesday, June 16.

Arman-e Melli

Massive turnout of people on Friday's presidential election gives more prestige to Establishment: Leader

Destiny of country strictly hinges on turnout of people on Friday’s election


Historic meeting between US’s Biden and Russia’s Putin

Russia, US bear special responsibility for strategic stability: Putin

Erdogan says to make Karabakh prosper with Iran and Russian help


Leader calls on Iranian people to massively take part in presidential election


Iran, one of six largest countries in producing COVID-19 vaccine

Election has always been significant and decisive: Pres. Rouhani

High turnout gives more prestige to IR Establishment: Leader


Destiny of country hinges on turnout of people on election day


JCPOA pulse of NATO to Vienna

NATO leaders back revival of JCPOA

Leader calls on Iranian people to take part in Presidential Election

People's participation will give more prestige to the Islamic Republic establishment: Leader

Massive turnout of people in Presidential Election will disappoint enemy


Economic problems facing country will be settled with selection of a competent, able president: Leader