TEHRAN, Mar. 27 (MNA) – Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, has said that today's strength of Yemeni Resistance forces is far greater than 6 years ago when the Saudi-led coalition began its aggression.

"Today, the strength of the Resistance forces of the country is far more than six years ago," Mahdi al-Mashat, President of the Supreme Political Council, according to Yemeni al-Maseera TV website.

He added that today's power of Yemeni Resistance is not comparable to the year when the Saudi war started in 2015 and it has grown much stronger. 

Al-Mashat's remarks came after a spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Yahya Saree said that Saudi Arabia’s major oil facility 'Aramco' was targeted by 12 drones and eight missiles on Friday.

According to the Al-Maseera report, the spokesman said that in the operation, military and vital military bases and structures belonging to Saudi Arabia were targeted.

Saree added that in the operation, in addition to Saudi Arabia’s Aramco Oil Company, King Abdul Aziz Airbase in Dammam was also targeted.
