Publish Date: 7 November 2020 - 17:00

TEHRAN, Nov. 07 (MNA) – Azerbaijan’s National Assembly has blasted remarks of MP Bahruz Maharramov about Iran, noting that the position of the MP does not reflect that of the parliament.  

The disciplinary committee of the parliament held a meeting on Saturday to discuss the remarks of MP Maharramov, according to Qafqaz Info.

The committee said in a statement that Maharramov’s remarks made on November 6 “contradicts the spirit of friendly and good neighborly relations between Azerbaijan and Iran.”

The body urged the MP to take the ‘national interests of Azerbaijan’ into account, noting that Maharramov’s remarks “do not reflect the position of the parliament.”

The committee has imposed ‘disciplinary measures’ on the MP, highlighting that “no one can damage the friendly relations” between Azerbaijan and Iran.

Earlier, Hikmet Hajiyev, an assistant to the Azerbaijani president, had taken to Twitter to slam the MP. Mentioning Iranian ambassador to Baku Abbas Mousavi, Hajiev wrote “Our countries based on mutual respect enjoy friendly relation. President Ilham Aliev attaches great importance to our ties. We appreciate Iran’s support to our territorial integrity as it was expressed at Highest Levels. Views of MP in no way official position.”

Tehran has voiced support for Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity amid the military war of the country with neighboring Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

In the latest position, Islamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei called for an end to hostilities and said that Azerbaijan is entitled to liberate its occupied territories, also noting that the security of Armenians living in the area should be ensured.

Iran has also offered an initiative to settle the differences between the two sides and is now waiting for the response of other players.
