TEHRAN, Oct. 20 (MNA) – A military drill of Iranian Air Defense Force, code-named 'Modafean Aseman Velayat' (The Defenders of Velayat Skies) will kick off on Wednesday.

Brigadier General Ghader Rahimzadeh, the commander of the 'Modafean Aseman Velayat' drill made the announcement on Tuesday, saying, "The joint Air Defense 'Modafean Aseman Velayat' will start on Wednesday with the aim of improving combat readiness and synergizing the air defense capability of the Armed Forces."

"The drill will be held with the participation of Iran Air Defense units, IRGC Aerospace Force and Army Air Force under the operational control of the country's air defense base in the situation near to a real battle in an area encompassing more than half of the country," he added.

Rahimzadeh went on to say, "During the exercise, which will be held in the form of a joint network-based operation with the aim of coordinating the air defense of the Armed Forces, a variety of indigenous missile systems, radar, reconnaissance information systems, electronic warfare, communication systems and visual surveillance network of the army and IRGC under operational guidance and control of the country's air defense base will practice dealing with all types of low, medium, high altitude and long-range air threats in fully operational conditions based on the real battlefield."

"In this exercise, the Army Air Force will play the key role of the country's air defense in the sky by flying all kinds of interceptor, bomber and unmanned fighter jets in the two roles of attack and defense force," he noted.

"Also, in this exercise, for the first time, the new generation of completely indigenous equipment and weapons will be used and the new air defense tactics that have been counted as a result of continuous monitoring of the enemies will be practiced," Rahimzadeh said.

Every year, the Iranian Air Defense Force stages massive military exercises to display its might and boost its integrity and cohesiveness.
