Publish Date: 16 August 2020 - 14:27

TEHRAN, Aug. 16 (MNA) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the Americans are aware that they are not able to trigger 'snapback' mechanism as it is illegal and not acceptable.

Referring to US President Donald Trump's remarks on the use of ‘snapback’ mechanism to restore sanctions against Iran, Zarif said, "US 'snapback' is so illegal that it is not acceptable and Americans know it."

"Do not think that they are right if they say something and repeat it," he added, saying, "US knows it can't trigger snapback."

"On May 8, 2018, when John Bolton was in the height of his joy for destroying JCPOA, saying that he would also destroy Iran in three months, announced in his press conference at the White House that they are no longer a member of JCPOA to use snapback mechanism," Zarif highlighted.

He added, "The transcript of Bolton's remarks is still on the White House website, unless now that I have mentioned to it, they remove that sentence."

The UN Security Council rejected a US bid to extend an arms embargo on Iran on Friday, which is due to expire in October.

Besides the United States, only the Dominican Republic voted in favor of the draft. China and Russia voted against the text, and the remaining 11 Security Council members, including the European allies of the United States, abstained.

The United States has become isolated over Iran at the Security Council following President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the multilateral Iran nuclear deal 2018.

US administration claims that as a JCPOA signatory it has the right to trigger the snapback mechanism that could resume all UN sanctions against Iran. Meanwhile, Tehran stresses that US has no right to do so as President Donald Trump has officially ‘ceased US participation’ in the deal back in May 2018.
