TEHRAN, Aug. 12 (MNA) – In a tweet on Wednesday, Russia's Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov named US attempts to revise UNSC Resolution. 2231 as 'counterproductive and unjustifiable'.

"The US attempts to revise the provisions of UNSC res. 2231 on restrictions on arms trade with #Iran are counterproductive and unjustifiable," he tweeted.

"The real way to strengthen stability in P.Gulf is to launch direct dialogue aimed at establishing collective security in the region," he added.

Washington, on Tuesday, gave the UNSC members a new draft resolution to win their support for extending the Iran arms embargo following the failure of the previous draft.

Reacting to the new draft, Iran’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi said that the UNSC will reject the motion again.

"Rebuffed by UNSC members, US was forced to retreat from its draft resolution on Iran arms embargo and proposed another version—also violating 2231—today. The new draft is similar—in its NATURE and GOAL—to the previous. Confident that the Council will—again—reject this move," he tweeted.

The arms ban is due to expire in October based on the 2015 nuclear deal, also known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

According to Reuters, the new draft is “unlikely to overcome opposition by veto-powers Russia and China.”

The new draft has just four paragraphs and proposes extending arms embargo on Iran “until the Security Council decides otherwise,” claiming that the measure is “essential to the maintenance of international peace and security.”
