TEHRAN, Aug. 01 (MNA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani described deep bonds between the two neighboring countries of Iran and Iraq as supporting implementation of the agreements between the two countries in various fields.

Speaking in a telephone conversation with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Sat. afternoon, Rouhani said, "with the will, determination and serious efforts seen in the senior officials of Tehran and Baghdad, the two sides will be able to solve all the problems and difficulties facing the development of bilateral relations.”

Rouhani congratulated Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) to Iraqi prime minister and described his visit to Tehran as constructive and said, "the visit and the concluded agreements are positive developments and will create a step forward in the relations between the two countries.”

Rouhani stated, "the beginning of construction operation of the railway route between Iran and Iraq will be a hope for the two nations and a beginning for creating a new and serious momentum in the further development of bilateral interactions.”

Iran welcomes Iraq’s playing a leading role in the sensitive situation in the region, he said, adding, "of course, unfortunately, the United States is showing the wrong sign and message by trying to hatch a new conspiracy against Iran and harassing our passenger plane.”

Congratulating Eid al-Adha to the government and people of Iran, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi said, "certainly, thanks to your support and the serious and sincere cooperation of the officials of the two countries, the relations between the two sides can be quickly upgraded to an excellent level, by which we can establish a new constructive and positive cooperation and interaction between Iran and Iraq.”

The Iraqi prime minister also stated that immediately after returning from the visit to Iran, he formed committees with the responsibility of the relevant ministers to activate the agreements and implement joint projects, adding, "the Iraqi authorities are determined to remove all obstacles and problems on the path of the development of relations with Iran and we are interested in starting the activity of the Iran-Iraq railway project as soon as possible as a symbol and model for the development of relations between the two countries.”

Al-Kadhimi also said, "Iraq's key policy is to reduce tensions and increase stability in the region, and we seek to play a positive role in this regard with the cooperation and support of our brothers in Iran.”
