TEHRAN, Jun. 11 (MNA) – According to the latest figures announced by Iranian Health Ministry on Thursday, the total number of COVID-19 cases in Iran has passed 180,000, of whom 8,584 have lost their lives to the deadly virus.

Iran's Health Ministry Spokeswoman Sima Lari made the announcement, saying that 2,238 new cases have tested positive with the virus in the past 24 hours, increasing the total number of infections in Iran to 180,156 since the outbreak.

She put the number of those who lost their lives to the virus in the past 24 hours at 78, which brings the total death toll to 8,584 in Iran.

There are 2,728 people in intensive care, Lari said, adding, of those originally infected, 142,663 were declared recovered.

Some 1,173,208 coronavirus diagnostic tests have been carried out in Iran so far, she said.

According to the latest figures on Thursday, the number of people around the world confirmed to have the coronavirus has risen to 7,458,921, and 419,020 have lost their lives, while 3,778,218 people have recovered.
